Midjourney一直在文生图(Text to Image)AI领域占据主导地位。然而,Freepik Mystic模型的问世再次点燃了这一领域的讨论!接下来我们通过 11 个提示词实例来对比它们各自生成图片的效果,谁更胜一筹,您自行判断。
1、一个金发年轻女子躺在草地上,四周环绕着雏菊,柔和的阳光洒下,投射出温和的阴影 | 自然美,细腻的雀斑,逼真的质感,空灵的氛围 | 使用佳能EOS R5拍摄 | 照片写实风格 | 黄金时刻的光线

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2、从空中俯瞰一座沿河而建的现代城市,黎明时分温暖的阳光映照在摩天大楼和平静的水面上 | 逼真的质感,柔和的渐变,宁静的氛围,淡淡的薄雾 | 使用DJI无人机拍摄 | 照片写实风格 | 黎明时分的光线

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3、一辆黑色流线型跑车在夜晚飞驰于雪山道路上,车后留下明亮的霓虹光轨 | 未来感设计,动感十足,赛博朋克美学,雪花轻落,紧张氛围 | 照片写实风格 | 电影感光效

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4、一位穿着精美传统长袍的白虎人形战士自信地站在历史场景中 | 细致的毛发,犀利的目光,复杂的布料纹理,电影氛围,空灵光效 | 照片写实风格 | 棚拍光效

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5、一辆充满西瓜和鲜花的梦幻电车在傍晚穿过欧洲城市街道 | 奇幻、色彩鲜艳、细节丰富、梦幻氛围、玻璃反射、都市背景 | 照片写实风格 | 电影感傍晚光效

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6、一只带有巨大翅膀的虎斑猫在林间小径上空飞行,阳光穿透树林洒下 | 细致的毛发和羽毛,专注的神情,魔幻现实主义,照片写实风格 | 自然光效

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7、一只糖果主题的巨大怪兽在沙漠中肆虐,色彩鲜艳、比例夸张,沿途散开的小人物四处逃散 | 超现实、卡通风格、动态场景、明亮的日光 | 鲜艳色彩,幻想场景

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8、一位粉色头发的年轻女子的生动近距离肖像,她戴着夸张的彩色太阳镜,穿着图案复杂的高领衫,背景为抽象纹理 | 流行艺术风格,色彩大胆,细节丰富,高度风格化 | 照片写实风格 | 棚拍光效

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9、两名工人戴着安全帽和防护装备在工地上讨论,背景是工业设备 | 真实、专业,温暖的阳光,纹理丰富,体现团队合作精神 | 照片写实风格 | 自然光效

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10、一个切开展示内馅的烤扁面包,里面充满调味肉末、香草和融化的奶酪,摆放在质朴的木板上 | 温暖、诱人 | 照片写实风格 | 自然光效

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11、一间温馨的石砌小屋,窗户透出暖光,坐落在茂密花园中,石径环绕,周围是高大的树木,傍晚时分 | 温馨、引人入胜,纹理细致,宁静氛围,柔和的黄昏光效 | 照片写实风格

👈 MJ VS Mystic 👉
谁是本轮 PK 的胜出者呢?您心中有答案。
1. serene portrait of a young blonde woman lying on grass, surrounded by daisies, with soft sunlight casting gentle shadows | natural beauty, delicate freckles, realistic texture, ethereal mood | shot on Canon EOS R5 | photorealistic | golden hour lighting
2. An aerial view of a modern city along a river at dawn, with warm sunlight reflecting off skyscrapers and calm waters | realistic texture, soft gradients, serene atmosphere, subtle haze | shot on a DJI drone | photorealistic | dawn lighting
3. A sleek, black sports car speeding through a snowy mountain road at night, leaving vibrant neon light trails in its wake | futuristic design, dynamic motion, cyberpunk aesthetic, snow falling gently, intense atmosphere | photorealistic | cinematic lighting
4. A majestic white tiger humanoid warrior dressed in ornate, traditional robes, standing confidently in a historical setting | detailed fur, intense gaze, intricate fabric textures, cinematic atmosphere, ethereal lighting | photorealistic | studio lighting
5. A surreal tram filled with watermelons and vibrant flowers, moving through a European city street at dusk | whimsical, colorful, highly detailed, dreamlike atmosphere, reflections on glass, urban setting | photorealistic | cinematic dusk lighting
6. A dynamic shot of a tabby cat with large, majestic wings, mid-flight through a forest path, with sunlight filtering through the trees | highly detailed fur and feathers, intense focus, magical realism, photorealistic | natural lighting
7. A colossal candy-themed monster rampaging through a desert landscape, with vibrant colors and exaggerated proportions, scattering small figures in its path | surreal, cartoonish style, dynamic action, bright daylight | vibrant colors, fantasy setting
8. A vibrant, close-up portrait of a young woman with pink hair, wearing oversized, colorful sunglasses, and patterned turtleneck, abstract, textured background | pop art style, bold colors, detailed, highly stylized | photorealistic | studio lighting
9. Two construction workers having a discussion on a job site, wearing hard hats and safety gear, industrial equipment in the background | realistic, professional, warm sunlight, detailed textures, teamwork and collaboration | photorealistic | natural lighting
10. close-up shot of a stuffed flatbread cut in half, revealing a savory filling of seasoned ground meat, herbs, and melted cheese, served on a rustic wooden board | warm, appetizing | photorealistic | natural lighting
11. A charming stone cottage with a warm glow emanating from the windows, nestled in a lush green garden with a stone pathway, surrounded by tall trees at dusk | cozy, inviting, detailed textures, peaceful atmosphere, soft evening light | photorealistic